Dear Fred,
               I am a new user too, perhaps we could keep in touch but i too a newbie,
anyway i m luckier than you , at least i could run up almost everything , but just couldnt add user Kppp. which i am having some problem with . If you are able to help , next time email me .
              As for your problem, you must go bookshope to buy related books with linux command which you had to go by the hard way to learn and read first.
Linux is not a user friendly O.S...infact i had read and bought few books which cause me about 2 hundreds dollars.....infact after compared , i found that though it is a free O.S but at the end i endup spending quite a bit money for its related materials. Nevertheless, i even found it difficult to configure the internet network too. Hm......have to be patient and go slowly by the book via on root command promt to try out first before trying the X window.......thats my advice so far.
Hope you dont blow your mind off with Linux.
ahahhhah a    a os. not easy to use......indeed.!
bye now.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 12:01 AM
Subject: [newbie] User can't login

I hope that this isn't a FAQ, but I have looked and have not found anything yet.  My problem is that I installed Mandrake 7.1 with the security on paranoid, and now when I try to login as a user, it just comes back up to the login again.  The only way that I can login is as root.  Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

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