On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Roger Sherman wrote:
> > 
> > First of all, thanks to everyone who helped me get Kppp rolling...and this is
> > my first posting to the list from linux! :-)
> > 
> > OK, the problem of the day is, I've downloaded and installed Pan, and want to
> > add a shortcut to it either to the KDE desktop or the taskbar across the bottom
> > (doesn't matter which). I've tried going through Panel | Add application, but
> > couldn't find Pan through that. Is there another way? I seem to remember
> > seeing something somewhere about how I would have to associate an icon with
> > it before I could add a shortcut...is this so? And if so, 1. Where do I get
> > an icon for it, and 2. How do I go about associating it?
> First problem is to locate pan - 
> as root at a console prompt type 'locate pan' (without quotes)
> This will return a list of _ALL_ files containing the characters 'pan'.
> Look through this list and in particular for entries beginning in:
> /usr/sbin
> /usr/bin
> /usr/local
> It more than likely in one of those directories.

Actually, I know where Pan is; its in the usr/bin directory. What I meant was
I couldn't locate it through the Panel | Add application process, know what I
mean? So, is there a way to find it using that, or is there another way to add
a shortcut?

> > Also, theres one problem I've been having (though for the most part this
> > foray into Linux has been remarkably painless). Everytime I log into KDE, I
> > have to go to Kmix (the app that controls the volume levels), as every time I
> > open KDE, they've all reset themselves so all the sliders are at the bottom (in
> > other words, no volume. Can't listen to my new Wayne Krantz cd without
> > resetting them). How do I get it to save my settings?
> > Thanks!
> Add the command 'aumix -v xx' where xx is a number between 0 and 99
> to the end of your /etc/rc.d/rc.local - that will set the volume to
> a value you select at startup. 
> I found that 30 to 40 was about right for me.

Cool, thanks!

> Cheers
> --
> ICQ# 89345394     Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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