I saw another posting about a problem with 7.2 beta 1 not wanting to get past
the partition check on the installation.  Well, I had the same problem with the
"stable" version of 7.1, for which I paid far too much money apparently.  I go
through the whole process of making my partitions on a totally blank new HD,
and when I proceed to the formatting screen, I get a cryptic message about
"mount" failing because of invalid arguments.  Well, since I didn't provide any
arguments, I'm at a loss as to what makes the difference.  I was able to
install 7.0 all right.  I'm debating trying to upgrade to 7.1 now that I have
7.0 running, but I remember how long that took last time I tried it, and how
partially successful it was.  When I was done, it never booted to the new
kernel, even though the vmlinuz link in /boot pointed to 2.2.15-4.  Still
booted 2.2.14-15.  

Any ideas?  

Thanks!  Don J.

Don W. Jenkins 8^)                      |       It is the nature and disposition
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        |       of almost all men when they get
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        |       a little power, as they suppose,
www.jinxinker.com                       |       that they immediately begin to exercise
www.maxfarce.com                        |       unrighteous dominion
                         --Joseph Smith--

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