> How can I get the amount of hdd spaced used and how much is left on my
machine(multiple hdd's)

Try df - this shows usage/free by partition.

For example, this is the output of df on my laptop:

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda9             1.7G  1.1G  497M  70% /
/dev/hda2             2.0G  1.9G   57M  97% /mnt/DOS_hda2
/dev/hda5             2.0G  1.9G   50M  98% /mnt/hd
/dev/hda6              51M   34M   17M  66% /mnt/DOS_hda6
/dev/hda8              21M  1.7M   19M   8% /boot

For the usage of a particular directory tree, use du.

Hope that helps.


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