Check out gnucash. Version 1.3.1 is included on the extension disk with
Macmillan Mandrake 7.1; the newest (gnuest?) version 1.4.whatever, is at There's a lot of good information at the website. I
installed 1.3.1, but haven't done much with it (not much money, and a
lot of postings on this site), but it did import my Quicken files.
-- Carroll Grigsby

Roger Sherman wrote:
> Is there a Quicken/MSMoney type program for Linux? I don't really need one to
> do online banking with, though that wouldn't hurt...but one that I can keep
> track of several accounts like the aforementioned Winblows programs would be
> dandy. Perhaps there is one already installed with Mandrake? idea how
> to find out if there is since I don't know the name of such a program...
>  --
> peace,
> Rog

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