May I know where I can find blackbox website , please? I need documentation
about Blackbox, like FAQ, HOWTO or something like that. Because I don't
understand how to use blackbox. Even I don't know how to change background. :-(
Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


>       I've really learned to appreciate Blackbox, despite the fact that I have a
> 750mhz Athlon thunderbird w/256 mb RAM.  In addition to being lightweight, w/
> a small footprint, it is VERY user friendly and efficient.  I highly recommend
> giving it a try.
> Mike
> BTW, I do occasionally use KDE, and a bit less frequently play with
> Helix-Gnome.  Both of their apps work under Blackbox
> "Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing
> and dreadful idolatry took place there!"
> Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century

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