pungki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi....
> May I know where I can find blackbox website , please? I need documentation
> about Blackbox, like FAQ, HOWTO or something like that. Because I don't
> understand how to use blackbox. Even I don't know how to change background.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
> -Pungki
If you want slick backgrounds and eye-candy, you may wish to stick with Gnome,
or KDE, or Enlightenment.  Not sure myself if "background in Blckbox can be
changed.  It's a window manager, NOT a desktop environment.  In fact it can be
used as a window manager for KDE (check mandrake website).  I like the
minimalsit nature of Blackbox.  Plain background with just a tiny, thin bar on
the bottom to control windows and workspaces.  Try experimenting by clicking
on your desktop with the right mouse button.  Then try the middle button.  [If
you don't have a middle button, use both at the same time to simulate.]  You
can add workspaces and use the bar at the bottom to scrol through them.  If
you have more than one window open in a given workspace, you can use the
buttons on the right side of the bar to scroll through those.  Because it is
sooo minimalist, blackbox is very fast.  It's become my wm of choice (for now
;o) ).
        You can try (I think) www.blackbox.org or just enter "Blackbox" into the
Google search engine and see what that turns up.  there is a websire, but I
can't find the url just now (thought I had bookmarked it, but not on this box
-- probably my laptop).

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