> I am in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain (Atlantic Ocean, in
> front of Marrocco - Africa) ; probably you haven't even heard of it, it's a very 
>small volcanic island, the population is around 80.000 people, but 

Neat!  Lots of sunshine I bet.  Being in Quebec Canada I have a keen
appreciation for sunshine :-)

> I have a normal keyboard, I guess it must be a Spanish one because it has the ñ, 
>which is an exclusively spanish letter like in ESPAÑA. It also has 3

Seems odd that you don't have the ~ key as it's become pretty useful. 
Probably the same logic that has French keyboard people hunting around
for the / key.

> To type  ~ , I have to click Alt Gr + 4 (but not in the numeric pad), although in 
>the 4 key you can only see the 4  and the $ (this one you type it with Shift+4), 
>that's why I didn't find the way to type this character.

Definitely a keyboard mapping problem (or solution).  Thanks for the
insight. Say hi to the sun for me :-)

Cheers --- Larry

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