I have an older system with a k6200 mz AMD processor 49meg of ram with a
6.5meg hard drive.  I am using Windows 95 so the hardrive is partitioned
into three 2.1 meg drives.  The problem is that the boot drive C does not
have enough room for both windows, programs, and Linux.

Questions are:
                1.  What are my alternatives?
                2.  Can I load Linux on a non-boot drive and then use Bios
configuration when I want to use Linux.
                3.  Is there any quick way to move programs out of the boot
drive without causing havoc?
                4.  Is the world really round?

I am unsure of what to do and would like to experiment using Linux as I
loathe Broken Windows and MicroSlopper.


Thanks for any help.

Bob Kubacki

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