Dear Julio:

Do NOT use the tarball. Use tar files only when absolutely necessary.
otherwise, stick with RPM files. The most important address for rpms is:

Engrave it on your forehead. You'll be using it all the time.

Go to the W letter and find the latest wine rpm for your distro and for
your distro version (NOT wine-devel but regular wine, such as Install this rpm the usual way (rpm -Uvh wine2000.rpm). 

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to use wine. I tried once and quickly
gave up. 

But try to stay away from tar files unless absolutely necessary. Always
first go to to find out if an rpm exists for your needs and
for your distro. 95-99% of the time they do. If you purchased the LM 7.1
box, you will find thousands of rpms for all sorts of programs readily
available, e.g. StarOffice in rpm format, etc.

Hope I've helped.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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