To Mark Weaver:

Once upon a time Mark, you suggested to someone that they use Pronto for their
email.  That generated a line on my 'Linux to do' list and this weekend I got
around to it.  Thanks for that recommendation.

I used the ProntoInstaller and excepting that I had to edit the Perl script to
keep it from hunting for a newer version of the HTMLparser (couldn't seem to
find on in its web archive) the installation was really slick.  From what I can
see, the program is equally so.

One of the best things is the use of a simple text file for the addressbook as
I could script my way to getting my addresses into the proper format...or so I
thought.  I quickly created an addressbook that looked identical to the one
created by Pronto but it simply didn't "see" any of the addresses in it.  Ran
around chasing my tail for a while and ultimately stuffed the Pronto
addressbook and the one I made into a hex editor.  Lo and behold, the Pronto
folks are showing off some DOS/Windows roots as their addressbook requires a
CR/LF at the end of each line rather than the standard UNIX LF-only format. 
Once that was solved I was off to the races.

Also installed Pan as a news reader and it looks pretty good.  I noticed it
after installing 7.2 on my other machine to look at Koffice (needs much work to
replace Star Office I'm afraid).

Cheers --- Larry

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