Yes there is away around your delimma. This link:

explains it all in detail for just about every conceiveable method of install
and upgrade but I will touch on the solution to your problem. <smile>.


   | Linux-Mandrake - Installation instructions |

         * Required configuration *
      - Pentium processor or compatible
      - CDROM drive
      - At least 32 MB RAM
      - VESA 2.0 compliant graphics card 

There are basically four ways you can install Linux-Mandrake, you
should try them in order:


1 - The Install CD is bootable. In most cases, just insert the CD into
the drive and reboot the machine. Follow the instructions displayed on
screen, you are done.


2 - If you have MS-DOS installed on your computer, you can boot the
installation system directly from the CD without using any diskettes.

To do this (assuming your CD is drive D:), use the following

C:\> D:
D:\> cd \dosutils\autoboot
D:\dosutils\autoboot> autoboot.bat

Note that this method will not work if run in a DOS window -- the
autoboot.bat file must be executed with DOS as the only operating
system. In other words, Windows cannot be running.


3 - If your computer cannot boot from the CDROM and previous methods
do not work, you must make a boot floppy under Windows as follows:
    * insert the CDROM, then open the icon "My Computer", right click
      on the CDROM drive icon and select "Open"
    * go into the "dosutils" directory and double-click on the
      "rawwritewin" icon
    * insert a blank floppy in the floppy drive
    * select "D:\images\cdrom.img" in the "Image File" field (assuming that
      your CDROM drive is "D:", otherwise replace "D:" as needed)
    * select "A:" in the "Floppy Drive" field then click on "Write".

To begin the installation, insert the CDROM in the drive, as well as the
boot floppy if necessary, then restart the computer.



"markOpoleO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: just had a thread about read it i think it is
still there.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam s" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 8:08 AM
Subject: [newbie] Instilation of Linux Mandrake for Windows

Dear Sir/Madam

I have a copy of Linux Makedrake 7.1 and I would like to install it as linux
for windows but when I click on the button when the cd has autorun it says
that the program runs in real dos mode that this versionof windows does not
support. I suppose this is because I run Windows me but there must be a way
round it. Please help as I am desperate to install linux.


Adam Sanders ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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