I'm getting somewhere...I know the problem...dumb me for
ignoring the startup warnings but during startup it says:
Failed to initialize eth0 - DHCPCD
 Well, I tried the default for I guess protocol(?) First of all I'm not really
sure what DHCPCD is but I think the default is (DHCP) and I tried that first
to no avail, so since I couldn't access the internet I tried reinstalling it
whith DHCPCD also to no avail. I could probably figure the problem out with
the right documentation but could not find any on the subject. 

Any help is appreciated in advance



Try manually configuring your network device(s) to see if you can at least
get out ... then just run linuxconf and set you network settings in there

ifconfig <no options> just to verify it sees your card(s)  then assign
ifconfig eth0 <ip address> netmask broadcast <ip less last
octet replace usually with unmasked value> up

for an ip of this would read ..

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast up

next you need to know your gateway (to add to the routing table so you can
talk out .... at this point you sould be able to ping your own IP)

/sbin/route add default gw <gw address> using the ip set up from above

/sbin/route add default gw

just typing /sbin/route should confirm the entry ....... if this all goes
without a hitch you should be able to add the same values in linuxconf
under netwroking (just type linuxconf as root from the command line)

if not the next thing to trouble shoot is making sure your device (NIC
card) was successfully registered or has the proper module loaded for it.
Try pinging the loop back to check this out (

hope this helps,

Lonny Selinger

>When installing 7.2b3 I could not get my cable modem on the net, unlike
>where it was effortless, now they want to ask  how you connect to the
>and when I setup the local network and tell it to connect to the internet
>cable it won't do it...any suggestions?
>Starz McCllelan
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