I am trying to install the Citrix Unix Client. Not sure the version, but I
just downloaded from Citrix, so it must be current.
(if anyone cares, the Citrix client lets the client take remote control of a
NT server running the Citrix add on software)
I expanded the tar file, copied it to a CD-Rom. The PDF instructions that
came with the client said to type the following in a terminal window:
The file "setupwfc is in the directory where I typed the above command.
RESULTS below:
Bash: ./setupwfc: No such file or directory
This file is in the directory of the CD-Rom. I also tried coping this
directory to the hard drive with the same results.
When I installed Star Office, I used the same syntax, and it worked fine.
   ./so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-en.bin -net
Any help.

Rick Bonczek
Systems Administrator

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