> On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Ilian Zarov wrote:
> >    I have a mandrake 7.0 system with security level Medium . Have a problem -
> > when I'm online no one can ping , telnet , ftp etc. I know this is good for
> > security reasons but ... Security Level Medium is defined during the install ,
> > now even if I change it to low or server nothing happens . If I start httpd
> > port 80 is closed again . I'm not going to use this computer for server but I
> > want to know that I can . If I ping , telnet , ftp , ssh , http to or
> > localhost it works . Where's the problem ?

I think you ned to look into your /etc/resolv.conf file....check that the
nameserver setup is correct in the file. It should look something like:

search foobar.com #where foobar.com is your ISP
nameserver aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd #nameserver 1
nameserver aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd #nameserver 2


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