
Am I understanding you correctly? You have Linux on one of the SCSI drives
and the /boot partition(s), the SWAP partitions, and the boot manager on
the IDE drive?

The reason I ask is because I'm considering building a new system and
using SCSI drives in it for the sheer speed of them, and someone had
mentioned to me that I would have to disable the IDE interfaces because
otherwise the SCSI's won't boot.

**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed       | ICQ#27816299
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**  =\/=  message...                    | Registered Linux user #182496

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Alan Shoemaker wrote:

> "Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
> > 
> > Is it possible to setup up a small 2nd HD running DR-DOS, and that way have
> > access to older DOS games and still not have a Mickeysoft product on my 'Nix
> > box?
> > 
> [snip]
> Ron....that's exactly what I have on my system.  I have 3 scsi
> drives, but my boot drive is an ide drive with dr-dos in the
> active (hda1) partition.  It has both Partition Magic and Boot
> Magic on it and Boot Magic is my multi-boot manager.  The rest
> of the drive is comprised of linux swap space and linux /boot
> partitions.
> Alan

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