>  I seem to remember that both less and more are reliant on the line count
>  which is set in the config files somewhere - can't remember where that
>  setting is - termcap??

John...at first blush it seems more dynamic than that.  I just opened a xindow
and did an      ls -al /usr/bin | less    Each time I paged and the number of
files listed matched the window depth regardless of where I set it.  Can't add
anything to why the problem exists but the number of lines displayed used 
seems to come from the display size.

>  Other thing, maybe symantics - isn't it 'normal' to use whitespace in
>  that type of command?? eg 'cat foo.txt | more tee lpr' ?

some people are born to be cryptic.  Reminds me of debates I've had with C
programmers :-)

Cheers --- Larry

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