> > I have a problem when I want to run a windows  program.
> > I do not have any windows HD on my system, but I have a windows
> > program I need to run.
> > I have no problem to run it as "root", but as a simple user, it
> > doesn't want to run. Each time I have a message saying something like
> > that :
> > "You must install the program SHARE.EXE before starting those
> > programs.
> > To install the program SHARE.EXE, you have to read the documentation
> > related to the DOS Operating System."
> > 
> > As "root", I do not have such a message and the program runs fine.
> > 
> > How can I do to make it run for someone else than "root" ?
> > Thanks. Francois
> =============================
> Try changing the permissions on the executable so that users can execute. 
> Right click on the program, go to properties and check all of the appropriate
> boxes.

I did that already, but nope, it doesn't work.
All files belong to user "fm", group "users", 
The permissions are 555 for all files, except the ini files which are
But user "fm", can't run the program. It complains about the
install of "share". For "root", it works like a charm ;-(

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