
    Hi Neal, I too had problems with this network card in my computer.
However, I was unable to get it to work no matter what I tried.  I went to a
generic ne2000 card, which was recognized automatically by lothar, and have
had no problems whatsoever with it.  Sorry I can offer no advice on your
current card... I would recommend getting a generic tried and tested ne2k

 - Joe :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Neal Wilkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 6:33 PM
Subject: [newbie] Linksys LNE100TX and Mandrake 7.1

> I'm having difficulty getting the Linksys LNE100TX version 4.1 working
> Mandrake 7.1. I'm new to Linux and am having a hard time understanding how
> to configure it. I've tried several things at the suggestion of some folks
> on dslreports with not a lot of luck. I'm trying to find out which driver
> works for this card and how to get it and install it. Just using modprobe
> I've had no luck. If you want to look at that particular thread which
> contains suggestions and the results I've gotten with those the link is
>,116656;root=unixdsl;mode=flat Any
> help greatly appreciated! Thanks.
> Neal Wilkinson

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