Buy a second hdd? That's what I do. I see 40Gb'ers selling for $135 these
days. Move your /home files there and reinstall Mandrake. You can try
resizing but it's usually easier and safer just to add space. Also you
might look to see if you have any non-programs in that partition (mp3's
ec) and move them to /home.

Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sungod robes
 on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little
pickles at you? -- Real Genius

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Sebastian Varges wrote:

> I installed Mandrake as the only OS on my PC with 2GB and used the
> standard settings. Now I have a space problem: there is no space left
> at all in directory '/' but 87% free in /home.  I have lots of strange
> errors because of the space problem in '/'. Deleting some application
> did not help much, and I don't want to delete all of them. 
> How can I move space from /home to '/'? Shall I use Diskdrake?? But
> how??? I did not find any documentation. 
> Thanks alot
> -- Sebastian

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