Hello again,

    I have an interesting situation on my hands...  I am redoing my Desktop
computer to have Win98 and LinuxMandrake7.0 installed using dual boot.  I
have purchased the Complete Linux software package that is available( I
think that's what it's called) so it has some goodies with it as well as
just linux.  I have installed Win98 successfully, and was doing good with
Linux until I got to LILO :) surprise surprise.  I was unable to install
Lilo correctly, I was told in install that I was over my cylinders in the
boot record.
  Not onto what i have set up now... I have BootMagic installed, with Win98
configured correctly in it, but BM cannot see my Linux partition.  So BM
won't allow me to boot to anything but Win98...  I would like to use either
LILO, GRUB, or BM to dual boot on my system... and i'm lost as to where to
go next.  Anyone have any suggestions or things that have worked for them?
Please be specific, i'm quite new to this ;)  Thanks in advance for your

 - Joe :)

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