I've got a Brother HL-1040. Like you, I figured it would be useless when
I moved to Linux. Happily, that wasn't the case. Following Brother's
advice, I told Linux that I had an HP Laserjet III. It works - all that
I gotta do is pick print, and the file prints. The one drawback is that
the resolution is only 300x300 rather than the native 600x600. That
isn't a problem with text, but graphics suffer a bit. (There's also the
moral issue of lying to a Penguin...) I don't know if your printer has
an emulation mode, and maybe your approach using ghostscript is a better
way to go.
Oh yes, the permissions on this box are rw-rw----, which is the way they
were set when I installed Mandrake. I've never (knowingly) fiddled with
-- Regards,
-- cmg

John Hendrickx wrote:
> I've managed to get my Brother HL-720 printer to work. I'm a bit
> surprised because I thought it was a Windows only printer. But a
> combination of pdq and a custom ghostscript file frow
> did the trick.
> The problem is, or was, that this only worked when I logged in as root.
> On my regular account, printing would time-out because that account
> didn't have access to the /dev/lp0 port. It works now because I set the
> permissions to lp0 to rw-rw-rw-. Well, it works, but that doesn't seem
> to be the right way to do it. Does anyone have any better suggestions?
> I'm really impressed by the compatibility of Linux, BTW. I'd expected to
> have to buy at least a new sound card for my el-cheapo clone
> machine, and I was sure this printer would be a large paperweight as far
> as Linux was concerned. Driver support is great.
> John Hendrickx

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