When you set up your Linux OS, it should have found your ethernet
card, and it should have asked you if you have DHCP, which practically
everybody has.  You say yes, or whatever the correct answer is, and
the installer will do the rest for you.  Perhaps your ethernet card is
not really compatible. Now that you have it configured, you will have to
answer a lot of questions in jargon I don't understand, and the DOC's 
and HOW-TO's do not bother to explain.  The damned installation program 
is smarter than I am!  If you just installed the system, and your 
MS Windows runs right, then start over, answer the questions re your
ISP's domain, etc, that come up with the install routine, and your internet
will run right out of the box.  The install routine questions are in
English.  The ipconf (or whatever it is) questions are in jargon that most
of us newbies do not understand, and the docs don't even touch on.

At 19:08 10/06/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>hello everybody.  I have a machine running Mandrake 7.1.  I have an NE2000
>compatible ethernet card.  I connect to the internet using a cable modem (I
>have Road Runner and live in NY's capital region).  Tell me, how do I set
>this up and connect to the internet?  I already went into EtherDrake
>(thankfully it finally recognized my card after recompiling the kernel)  I
>have kernel 2.2.15.  I'm new at networks, so please be somewhat specific.
>Thank you!

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