to let anyone know that might come across this dialogue in the archives,
i have discovered (through trial and error) that i had to set the
permissions for /dev/sgc in order to get grip to work as well as the
permisions for /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 (scsi cdrom drives), however
after a reboot i found that /dev/sgb needing permissions setting and not
/dev/sgc, what is going on here i don't know perhaps the 'generic scsi
device' is a semi-random device determined at boot-up?,whatever, someone
may find this info useful


Joan Tur wrote:
> bascule escribió:
> > the following is a quote from the readme file for grip 2-94 : a cdripper
> > and mp3 encoder prog which use cdparanoia,
> >
> > 'Secondly, cdparanoia
> > requires access to both the cd device and (for scsi drives) the generic
> > scsi
> > device (usually /dev/sg<something>)'
> Hallo!  I'm using cdda2wav instead of cdparanoia to rip CDs; i just had to
> give execution rights for everybody for that program and grip runs fine!
> Hope that helps...  8-)
> > this explains the problem that i have been having getting this prog to
> > run as user, however apart from /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1 which my two
> > scsi cdrom devices, how do i find out which is the appropriate 'generic
> > scsi device' for my system?
> >
> > bascule
> --
> Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
> Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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