Make a temporary "mount point" in the directory /mnt:

mkdir /mnt/temp5
mkdir /mnt/temp6      (you don't have to call them 'tempX', but bear with me
:-) )

As long as you are not trying to mount a swap partition, you can use the
following for the linux partitions:

mount -t ext2 /dev/hda5 /mnt/temp5
mount -t ext2 /dev/hda6 /mnt/temp6

If the windows partition is fat16:

mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/temp5
(I'm re-using the temp5 directory, assuming it's not already mounted when
you try this)

I'll guess your "linux extended partition" is your swap, and leave it alone.

to "unmount" the partition:

umount /dev/hdaX     (where 'X' is the partition #)

For a fat floppy:

mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
umount /dev/fd0

the '-t' denotes the file system, for a cdrom it would most likely be '-t
iso9660'. The man page has a list of the different file systems your
distro's kernel supports. But for many of them, you may have to re-compile
the kernel toget functionality. An important hint: DO NOT COMPILE READ-WRITE
FOR NTFS IN YOUR KERNEL... sorry for "yelling" but this can royally fuck
things up. And, um, sorry about the language, but urgency can often be well
demonstrated by profane emphatic expression. It's colourful, as well, and
sometimes gets a rise out of co-workers in a stuffy office environment--you
may shout it loudy over the cubical walls in a disguised voice and watch the
surprised, somewhat perturbed faces on the prairie dogs as they begin
popping up around you.

I'm getting off topic?

Anyway....the above is the typical usage for 'mount' MDK may, depending on
the security level at which you installed, prevent you from mounting if
you're not root. Y should be able to change this in linuxconf, by making the
devices (/dev/...) user-mountable.

If you have any questions... well... you've been here before.


----- Original Message -----
From: "ai4a" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have created a standalone boot linux using 'tomsrtbt'. This is a
> standalone bootable linux. It boots fine. But how do I access the files
> on my HD. MY partitions are:
> hda1     linux boot
> hda2     windows
> hda3     linux extended partition
> hda5     linux
> hda6     linux
> How do I mount the hda3(hda5,hda6) partitions?
> I am using Mandrake 7.0.
> Please show several mount commands so I can try and understand the mount
> command. I have read the 'man mount' pages and several books. I think
> they all presume I have a better background than I have. I am a newbie
> (so new I shine).
> The fstab in /etc/fstab (floppy) show only fd0.
> Thanks
> Charles

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