Greg Stewart wrote:

> This is starting to sound like my experience with my MDK server attempt.
> What security level did you install... you may wish to explore the msec
> scripts to see if there's something in there that's blocking the login. I
> spent days ripping the crap out of those scripts and still couldn't figure
> it out, but I got too frustrated and installed my server with another
> distro.
> It's just a suggestion, hope you find what's going on--if you do, let me
> know, maybe I can fix the install I had (I saved the hard drive wondering
> whether I would one day figure out what was causing my frustration).
> --Greg
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tyler Longren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Well, my ListenAddress was at, and it didn't work, so I changed
> > it to  I suppose I'll change it back to  Also, I
> > already have re-installed openssh.  I installed it once, had these
> > problems, so I decided to re-install, and I still have the same
> > problems.  :)


I had no problems with OpenSSH. But then I installed the system using the expert
mode which will ask you to install crypto stuff. I selected everything EXCEPT the
netscape stuff. So perhaps there is a piece missing. My system is also running
the secure kernel.

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