The XServer on my brand-new installation of Mandrake 7.2 beta 3 refused
to start the first day after it was installed (without error messages),
then shut down, and rebooted the next day. At the end of a long list of
messages were two lines:

Fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed'

A note to send in a problem report the full server output located in log
file "/var/log/XFree86.0.log" followed, and I was left at the $ prompt.

I would like to copy this file to an MS-DOS diskette so I can include it
in such a message. However, the precise instructions for copying to a
diskette seem to be beyond the scope of the few references I have here.
My system has a 3.5" floppy drive as MS-DOS A:, which I understand can
be mounted as /fd0 under Linux. What is the precise command to do this?

I found in a book, and used, as root, the command

# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 mnt

which caused the computer to read the diskette and return to the prompt.
I assumed the diskette was mounted at that point, but was it?

Can a standard Mandrake installation recognize an MS-DOS formatted
diskette, and write a text file to it? Or must some Linux-specific
format be applied? And if not a Linux-specific format, must a particular
file system be installed on the diskette?

I tried to use, without success, the cp and the dd commands to copy that
file to the diskette. The system responded that no such directory
existed. How does one accomplish these tasks?


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