Kenneth Marcy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The XServer on my brand-new installation of Mandrake 7.2 beta 3 refused
> to start the first day after it was installed (without error messages),
> then shut down, and rebooted the next day. At the end of a long list of
> messages were two lines:
> Fatal server error:
> could not open default font 'fixed'
> A note to send in a problem report the full server output located in log
> file "/var/log/XFree86.0.log" followed, and I was left at the $ prompt.
> I would like to copy this file to an MS-DOS diskette so I can include it
> in such a message. However, the precise instructions for copying to a
> diskette seem to be beyond the scope of the few references I have here.
> My system has a 3.5" floppy drive as MS-DOS A:, which I understand can
> be mounted as /fd0 under Linux. What is the precise command to do this?
> I found in a book, and used, as root, the command
> # mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 mnt
> which caused the computer to read the diskette and return to the prompt.
> I assumed the diskette was mounted at that point, but was it?
> Can a standard Mandrake installation recognize an MS-DOS formatted
> diskette, and write a text file to it? Or must some Linux-specific
> format be applied? And if not a Linux-specific format, must a particular
> file system be installed on the diskette?
M$-DO$ format is fine.  In fact it's usually recommended since it's applicable
to other O$.  
> I tried to use, without success, the cp and the dd commands to copy that
> file to the diskette. The system responded that no such directory
> existed. How does one accomplish these tasks?
> KM
Do you have a mount point in /etc/fstab ?
Something like /dev/fd0   /mnt/floppy   msdos  sync,user,no auto,nosuid,  0 0
(or something similar)
Do you have a directory for a mount point?  /mnt/floppy


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