DOS will not see anything past the 1028 cylinder limit--approximately 7.8GB
(sually rounded by DOS to 8GB). You do not need the "EZ-BIOS" app. to run

If you are only installing linux, then scrap the DOS utilities, and only use
the installer (I'm assuming Mandrake). Use "expert mode" and when it gets to
the partitioning sections, make the following partitions:

/boot        16MB to 50MB depending on how many versions of Linux or kernels
you plan to run.
swap         (twice your RAM)
/                1GB or 2GB or more
(/usr           1GB or 2GB if you want to--not necessary.)
/home        The rest or sized as you wish.

When the BIOS boots, it will see only the /boot partition and be happy. The
linux kernel will load and see everything.

If you want to dual boot, stick windows in first--it doesn't like living
with another OS, unless the install thinks it's going to be the only one
there. If you want to partition 20GB for windows, and 20GB for linux, use
the MaxBlast diskette, but only install on one partition.. you can delete
and re-allocate the second 20GB of space during the "expert" install of MDK.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph Bourque" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A few months ago I bought a Maxtor Diamondmax 40 gig hard drive.  I
installed it with Windows 98 using the included Maxblast Plus software
floppy.  The software included a BIOS overlay called EZ BIOS.  Everything
installed correctly and gave me two 20 gig partitions labeled D: and E:
Whenever I booted up I saw the words EZ BIOS on the screen after the Compaq
startup logo disappeared. (I have a Compaq Presario 4834 about 2 years old).

When I set up a dual boot with Linux, I put Linux on the Maxtor 40 gig
drive.  I never did check to see how many gigs I was actually getting but
the install seemed to indicate I had 40 gigs available.  Since then I've had
to remove Linux temporarily.  I repartitioned and reformatted the drive
using DOD fdisk, but fdisk tells me I only have 8 gigs available on that
drive.  I no longer see the EZ BIOS at boot.  When I try to reformat with
the Maxblast floppy it seems to partition the drive into two 20 gig non-dos
partitions.  Fdisk shows those two non-dos partitions but still says I have
only 8 gigs available. If I try to reformat the two partitions into DOS
partitions, it will only let me have the 8 gigs.

Any ideas?

Thank you to the experts out there.


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