> On disk 5 of my mandrake deluxe package there is a program named Arkeia
> backup utility. I looked on Arkeia's web pages and it appeared as if
> this utility will backup to tapes only. Is that correct? Or have I
> missed read the info about Arkeia. I wish to backup to a disk drive.
> Will this utility backup to a disk drive?

The October issue of Linux Journal reviews several backup utilities,
including Arkeia.  You are correct in determining that it is for tape
backups, in fact, it assumes that you're doing it from one machine to
another over a network, in client/server fashion.

I'm not sure what you're trying to backup to a disk drive but you might
consider using one or more of your basic Linux tools.  For instance, you
could simply create tar files and copy them to the other drive (or create
them there).  If you want to put actual, accessible file systems on the
backup drive you can use tar like:

*example presumes you're at the base of a tree you want backed up

tar cf - / . | (cd /where_you_want_a_copy; tar xvf -)

Someone here, can't remember who, uses cpio to do his backups to another

Cheers --- Larry



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