John Hendrickx wrote:
> Is there a clock program that will display the time in a digital form
> in the title-bar of the active window? I want to autohide the panel
> and taskbar but I still want to know the time (without removing my
> left hand from the keyboard, rotating my wrist, sliding back my
> sleeve, and looking at my wristwatch). I'm thinking of something
> along the lines of "superclock" for older versions of MacOS (pre 7.5
> I think) or "barclock 4.2" for Windows by Atomic Dog (no longer
> supported). I want the clock in the titlebar of the active window, so
> it has to be digital, and I'm too stingy to grant screen real estate
> to a separate app (since I'm auto-hiding the panel anyway ...). Any
> tips?
> Advance Thanks,
> John Hendrickx
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John....try either:

MandrakeSoft Inc                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Altadena, CA USA                                     --Alan

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