The nightly builds tend to be even better than the milestones and far
better than the Netscape previews. The build I'm using is as great. It's
progressing so fast now that it's really interesting to watch. Like seeing
a building go up.

Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape
you. -- Albert Einstein

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Anthony wrote:

> > > Is it just me or has there been major improvment from M11 to M18.
> > The earliest version I tested was M17 and M18 is definitely better than
> > M17 so I would assume it's also better than M11  
> Yes, the builds have been steady getting better. I've downloaded everyone since
> M13 on, and each new release just builds upon itself.
> > > why oh why did they change the GUI to look more like netscape???? I
> > > actually liked the M17 GUI.
> > After using M18 for less than an hour I made some dumb statements here
> > about it being too "Netscape-like".  Is it possible that you've got it set
> > up with the "classic" theme, which is very NS-like?  If so, simply switch
> > to "modern" and I think you'll be happier.
> Thanks so much for pointing that out! I hate the Netscape Classic look, I've
> always thought Netscape was a very ugly browser. But I love the Modern and Blue
> look, and before I knew you could change that, I stuck with Netscape6PR3
> because I couldn't stand looking at that Classic Netscape. 
> > > Anyone think I'm nuts about M18 running good? > 
> > Seems real good to me.  I've been surprised by the stability which IS much
> > better than Opera.
> I also really like Mozilla. It's so much better than that crap known as
> Netscape 4.x. It won't be too much longer before it's finally out of beta and
> it has it's real "official" release.
> -- 
> Anthony
> Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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