>     The most time consuming but exacting choice is the expert install.  On 
> the screen where you choose package groups there will be a small button at 
> the bottom of the window to "choose individual" programs.  The help screen 
> below says something about individually choosing from over 1000 program 
> packages--and they're not kidding!  You will have an information screen 

Doesn't this overstate the situation?  It takes me only a few minutes to
run through that list, unmarking the things I don't want and marking a
couple that I do want added.  Most of the stuff is already pre-marked for
install so most of those 1000 packages need no attention.  Pretty easy to
say "I want C & C++ packages but don't need Fortran."  Since the C & C++
are already turned on, you take care of those 15-20 packages with a single
click that causes the Fortran packs to be skipped.

The problem comes when guys want to start picking and choosing among
system files, most of which they don't know what their function is :-) 

>     Linux Mandrake 7.1 selected using the spacebar (if I remember right), but 
> 7.2 has check boxes.  The selection area was out of view to the right on my 
> screen, scrolling may be necessary to find the boxes so that you can select 
> them.  Allow an hour to an hour and a half to read through and select what 

If you're a newbie you shouldn't be deleting that close to the bone in my
view.  If you want to eliminate games, developer kits, and applications,
fine.  Anything requiring careful reading is best left until you're not a
newbie and by then you know the names of most of those system
packages.  Just another view.

Cheers --- Larry

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