The latest versions of LILO have a workaround for the 1024 cylinder problem. 
Just put 'lba32' (without the quotes) in your /etc/lilo.conf in the main 
section (before the images are declared). Then run lilo to write to your boot 

Also, the newer versions have a graphical interface not unlike GRUB :-)

On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Roman Korcek wrote:
> Hi guys,
> When responding to this mail please email me directly to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] since I am not subscribed to the list. Thanx.
> To the problem - I am using MDK7.1 and LILO doesn't want to install
> properly cos of the cyl > 1024 problem so I wanted to install GRUB,
> but how ?  I am not any clever neither from man grub nor from info
> grub and there is no howto on grub. I would really appreciate if
> someone would give me a hand with that.
> My disk is:
> /dev/hda1,  2 GB  (c:) - windows
> /dev/hda5, 16 GB  (d:) - my stuff for windows (progs, documents etc.)
> /dev/hda6, 1.8GB  (e:) - Whole Linux /
> /dev/hda7, 0.2GB       - Linux Swap
> Thanx in advance
> Roman

Sridhar Dhanapalan
     "One World, One Web, One Programme" - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
     "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" - Adolf Hitler

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