On Wednesday 25 October 2000 11:37 am, you wrote:
> Is wine just for windows?  Can it also run a DOS app under linux,
> or dosemu better?

> Jeff Malka 

   never bothered to try dosemu.  _VERY_ rarely will dos apps 
written to run either win or dos work either.  I've got some dos 
apps I wrote compiled to run under Windoze a long time ago.  They 
sort'a kind'a run with wine, but unsatifactorily (ie, unusable).  
Same for the ones i wrote to run under dos. For the most part, 
bottom line is you need to be a linux/windoze/wine guru for wine to 
be anything more than a challenge or toy (take your pic). Even the 
latest, wine-20001002.

  Let me say i've never tried any alternatives either (eg, vmware,
freemware[ http://www.freemware.org/ ], or any others). Besides,
_why_ ??  If you wanna run Winblows apps... dual boot. 

   I should mention in addition to what I posted about editing 
'wine.conf'  Sometimes I've installed a new version of Mandrake and 
wine.conf is empty.  Others have reported the same.  My fix is to do 
an ftp search for 'wine.ini', save it as /etc/wine.conf and edit it 
to reflect your windoze mount point(s), as root of course.
Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay

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