Hello all

I have a problem with my computer... I just installed LM7.1 over my old 7.0
version.  I have a dual boot system with 7gig hd, 128mb ram, (this is a
laptop).  After the install, when I went to reload, I was presented with some
odd message lik:

stage1 stage2 error

something like that... AFter a while, I loaded thru a floppy into boot magic
and reactivated it(do'nt ask me how it got turned off) and I am now able to
load into windows fine.  However, in Boot magic, even when I create a new entry
for linux, I am not able to load linux w/0 my boot disk.  I'm not sure where I
went wrong here...  I would ultimatelly like to be able to have one of the boot
loaders work (grub or boot magic, i'm not picky)  How can I do this w/o killing
my whole system.?  can I just delete bootMagic and will grub take over? 
Thanks in advance for any help.  sorry for the length of this post :)


Joe :)

- "You should never give up until the end."

                Trowa Barton
            Gundam Heavy Arms Pilot

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