On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, you wrote:

>    find / -name "iostream.h"
> but no return :)
> #I check with webmin and kpackage to confirm this and my box have this package is 
>this enaugh? or is there any more package i'm missing?
> - gcc-c++-2.95.2-7mdk.i586.rpm < installed
> - libstdc++-2.95.2-7mdk.i586.rpm < installed
> - libstdc++-compat-2.95.2-7mdk.i586.rpm < installed
> if anything I'm missing here? any url to download? (perhaps a good c++ header and 
>working with 7.1 ;))

yep, look for libstdc++-devel on the second 7.1 disk. That is where all of the
headers for c++ live in
(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

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