At 08:01 AM 11/01/2000 -0700, Jason Cunningham wrote:
>When I installed Linux for the first time I wiped out my Windows
>Partition.  How do I re-install it under Linux.  I am using ver 6.1.
>I want to be able to use both Windows & Linux. My Windows OS
>was 95.
Make a boot floppy for Linux.  You'll need it, because Windows will
rewrite the mbr, and your LILO will be unavailable.
Do fdisk, and make sure there's a place for the Windows partition.
It must be a primary.  If there is, then make one, and set it for
the Windows fs, and make it bootable.  SAVE before exiting fdisk.
Install Windows.  Make sure it works right, etc.  Boot up your
machine on the boot floppy, mount your Linux partitions, and
run LILO.  That ought to do it.  (If I have left out anything,
someone's sure to tell us.)  Good luck!  --doug  

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