Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It was Nov 7, 2000, 11:25, when Marcia keyboarded:
> Hi Marcia,
> I hear many different things from updates. I have never had any problems
> with that, though. My start was redhat 5.2, and upgraded that through RH
> 6.0, MDK 6.1, MDK 7.0 and MDK 7.1. And I have the MDK7.2 cd's ready for
> the next upgrade. I don't expect any problems, but it is up to you to see
> what you want to do. I would go for the upgrade, though. That keeps all
> the settings and such in place.
> Good luck,
> Paul
Am I reading this correctly.  Did you upgrade from RH 6.1 to mandrake 7.0?  Is
it possible to upgrade across distros?  Or just with these two?  I'm running
RH 6.2 in my office.  Do you think I can upgrade to L-M 7.2 directly?

"Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing
and dreadful idolatry took place there!"
Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century

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