On Wednesday 08 November 2000 05:20 pm, Joe Morris wrote:
> Okay, I just completed my wine.conf file and ran Adobe Acrobat
> with it. I then decided to open up Astroship Evader.  I typed in
> the following:
> wine /mnt/win_c/Astroship Evader/Astroship Evader.exe

    What little I've used wine, it seems to work better if you cd to 
the apps location, then run the program.  I suspect this has to do 
with DOS's lack of *nix compatible file permissions.

> I then got the following:
> cannot find file "/mnt/win_c/Astroship"

    To cd into a dir that has <spaces> in the dir name use a '\'.
EG,  cd /mnt/win_c/Astroship\Evader    Then to run the program you'd 
type    wine Astroship\Evader    (the .exe isn't neccesary and it's 
better not to use it.  The backsplash as used above acts as an 
escape char to replace the <space>)
Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay

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