On Tuesday 07 November 2000 22:48, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed 7.2 which I really like. I am having trouble getting the
> user dirs to work. I have created public_html in my home directory, but
> when i try to access it, apache tells me I do not have permission. What do
> I have to do to get it working.

What I do is the following
as root

edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and change 
UserDir public_html
UserDir /home/httpd


chmod 755 /home/httpd
mkdir /home/httpd/$USER
chown $USER:$USER /home/httpd/$USER
chmod 755 /home/httpd/$USER
ln -s /home/httpd/$USER /home/$USER/public_html

This chamges the default directory from /home/$USER/public_html to 
/home/httpd/$USER and creates a symlink to the users home directory. It has 
the side effect of not making the user home directory available via the 

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