On Friday 10 November 2000 07:55 am, eric h wrote:
> my computer won't boot if i put it at 100... which pisses me off
> celeron 400a ppga doesn't want to go that fast.
> that voodoo3 300 is agp.
> but i will try this tonight and get back to you.. thanks

     The 400 is the worst oc'r, a 333 is better. At 6x83 you're 
runnin at 498, but your bus speeds are all but unusable, specially 
for SCSI.  You're right, that core won't do 6x100, ~550 is tops. 
6x75 isn't much better.  You're only option is to not overclock, or 
get an IDE HDD (preferably IBM).  The agp V3 might handle 83 mhz, 
will prob'ly handle 75.
Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay
> On Thursday 09 November 2000 08:30 pm, eric h wrote:
>  > when my box starts up it gets to the part where it says:
>  > freeing unused kernel memory...ok 128k freed
>  >
>  > -then nothing-
> <<>>
>  > my box is a homeade
> <<>>
>  > aopen ax6bc motherboard running at 83mhz fsb
>  > scsi card
>    Not a Linux (or any other OS) problem.  Following is an OT
> hardware problem (overclocked).
>   Eric,
>      On that board (which is a _very good_ BX board, BTW), with a
> 83mhz fsb, your pci bus (that the HDD's, video card's, and
> including any SCSI devices run on it) is at 41+mhz (83/2). 
> Standard is 33.33333....mhz.  Besides everything else, SCSI
> particularly won't tolerate a pci bus that is that out of spec
> (not for long anyhow). Your V3 AGP video card is way off spec too
> (83mhz @ 1:1).  All those devices are NOT overclocked, they're
> just plain ridiculously out of spec. A _VERY POOR_ overclock/spec,
>      Think of a computer system as a radio. You've been
> broadcasting at a very wierd high signal, one that many system
> devices have been straining or unable to read.  If you didn't have
> such a high quality, stable motherboard, I doubt you would'a made
> it this far. I'm surprised it still boots SCSI at all.
>     Set your fsb back to the proper 66.666mhz and see if the
> problems don't resolve themselves.  That is if you haven't already
> ruined some hardware.  Otherwise, set your fsb to 100mhz if you
> think that Celery can do it.  That'll get your pci bus back to
> 100/3 == 33.3mhz, and set your AGP to 2:3 (66.666mhz) for that
> Voodoo. If you haven't already, put a fan on the V3's heatsink, an
> I sure hope you've got'a super duty hs/fan on that Celery.
>      Don't try to boot Linux (or any other OS) at that speed tho.
> Make a 'memtest86' floppy, and boot that, see if the system will
> pass with -0- errors.  Then at least it won't corrupt your Linux
> ext2 fs, or your DOS registry (if you dual boot Windoze) if it
> doesn't make it.
>      FWIW, I run a p3-450 @ 608mhz (4.5x135/33.8/89/135, BUT I use
> a _pci_ Voodoo3).  Fairly well overclocked, no?  BUT, my pci bus
> is 135/4 == real close to 33.3mhz ;> and I didn't fall for any AGP
> hype.  Also, I wouldn't try runnin any other HDD's than IBM's,
> Quantum's or older Western Digital's (2 years) IDE HDD's on an off
> spec pci.  If you've already done some damage, it's prob'ly to the
> SCSI HDD or the AGP Voodoo.
> --
> Tom Brinkman        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay

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