On Saturday 11 November 2000 01:50, you wrote:
> I was trying to install the goodies for my Voodoo3 on the recently
> installed 7.2

What goodies do you mean?

> Anyways,  I can't seem to be able to run/compile anything requiring
> Glide 2.... I usually get an error saying
> /lib/......(something)/glide.h cannot be found... Any ideas?  Thanks

Well glide2 doesnt work under xfree4.01 instead it uses glide3 DRI 
and running unrealtournament for example will work only if you install the 
latest 3dfx drivers but see if you can run tuxracer or quake3 demo if it 
works you have a funktioning dri .
Glide wont work as i said. So glide apps such as UT you will need to tell to 
use opengl instead. At install UT asks you which driver to use but if you 
need to change it after install make sure your /ut/sytem/unrealtournament.ini 
has these settings: 


but as i sayd UT requires latest 3dfx drivers. 
i paste now a message from the 3dfx.glide newsgroup that helped me to get ut 
running it describes a voodoo4 install but itll work for a voodoo 3 you only 
need the apropriate packages.

original message from Bill Teeple:


I downloaded all the binaries:

first I installed the Glide like the directions say too... but I kept
getting CONFLICTS WITH EXISTING... blah blah blah - so I did rpm -i
Glide_V5*.* --force and it took.

Then I installed the tdfx_dri-4.0.1-1.i386.rpm driver but the online
instructions say to do a rpm -Uvh (which is an upgrade) but I had none
of that - I decided to use the same method as the Glide above (rpm -i
tdfx_dri-4*.rpm --force) (again-you will need the FORCE portion because
it thinks you already have the correct driver).

Now pay close attention to the DRI installation above - You will get at
least two errors dealing with /usr/X11R6/lib/libMesaGLU.so.3 and
/usr/X11R6/lib/libGLU.so.3  (You should be able to ignore these, but
just in case, I believe these are symlinks to libGLU.so.1.2.0

Then you have to rebuild the DRM tdfx driver... so follow the online
instructions for this one and when you are finished install the RPM with
the -i --force options (pay attention - the default destination after
you rebuild on Mandrake is not what 3dfx tells you it is - NOT
/usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/tdfx_drm-1.0-3.i386.rpm but

Last but not least... the instructions on the site tell you to edit the
XF86Config file in the /etc/X11 directory... but if everything goes as
planned, there is a file there with most of the settings you need -->
/etc/X11/XF86Config.dri.ex and you can open this up in a text editor and
either copy over the parts that are different from your current
XF86Config file, or just overwrite your existing XF86Config file... I
overwrote mine... did a CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to re-initialize X and up it
came (except in 1280x1024 mode - a little too small for my taste).  So I
re-edited the file and that was that.

end of original message

After all this i was able to play ut and it works nicely (even rendering in a 
window!) About other glide aps i dont know but i believe that you can run 
allmost everything using openGL instead of glide2 try a little and tell me im 
interested in any news good luck  =) 

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