
I have found the same (or similar) problem.  Actually, I consistently have 
the problem when I physically remove a CD drive from the machine (kudzu 
removes it on re-boot).  When I replace the CD drive, everything looks great 
- like the drive is there (kudzu sees it, and re-installs it) - but I get the 
same messages you do.  So far, the only solution I have found is to 
re-install Mandrake and leave the CD drive in.  However, I am working with 60 
machines - only 10 have CD drives.  I now set up Samba so that I 
do not need the CD drive, and can remove it, accessing my rpms from the Samba 

 I know this doesn't "solve" the problem - but perhaps it helps to shed some 

Best wishes.............

Robert Maynord

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, you wrote:
> Yes I have been to that very exact page at mandrake demos, and typed in
> exactly what
> it said to do here
> However that has not solved my problem with accessing the drives, I have
> the problem with both the cdrom and the floppy drive. It has something to
> do with the "supermount" feature/ hmm, should i say bug.
> I am really getting tired, I have received many replies to my many posts
> about this at different sites. I have tried most everyone of the possible
> fixes. It is to no avail.
> and if you are wondering if my cdrom is detected by linux? Yes, it is
> listed properly in the system info.
> And then the question, why am I having the same problem with the floppy??
> ONLY thing that correlates is that both cdrom and floppy have "supermount"
> listed on them in the fstab file.
> So WHAT DO I DO, anyone have a clue??
> I am really disgusted with this, is there someone at mandrake to talk to??
> Please advise.
> Susan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
> Sent: Saturday, November 11, 2000 3:43 AM
> Subject: RE: [newbie] supermount-- I am unable to mount cdrom and floppy
> I have the same problem and fortunately I discovered the solution in the
> mandrake page; it is a bug of kudzu; you must run linux as root, see the
> name of your problematic cdrom under linux (probably cdrom or cdrom2) and
> then type the next order (I suppose that the name of your cd driver under
> linux is cdrom, if not change for the correct one, ins. cdrom2, cdrom3..)
> cd /dev && rm cdrom && ln -s scd0 rom
> To the question that the linux gives you say yes...
> And now, everything is runing ˇI hope!; If you still have problems se the
> next mandrake page:
> Have luck
> Francisco Alcaraz
> Murcia (Spain)
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: S. Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Fecha: sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2000 2:44
> Asunto: [newbie] supermount-- I am unable to mount cdrom and floppy
> >Please if someone who is expert can assist here is the problem.
> >I am running mandrake 7.2 complete retail box from walmart,
> >and I use bootmagic for bootloader.
> >my hardware config:
> >2 IDEharddrives,
> >hda has windoze
> >hda also has linux swap
> >hdb has linux boot, and linux root and all linux
> >I have one cdrom drive it is a Iomega Zip650 cdwriter drive, it is
> >an internal IDE writer drive, and I can
> >confirm that it is functioning fine since I used it to install the
> > mandrake 7.2.
> >My cdrom drive and floppy drive are unable to be mounted, I get somekind
> >of permission to access is denied kind of message. This is even logged
> >in as root.
> >Here is current fstab:
> >/dev/hdb5  /ext2 defaults 11
> >/dev/hdb1  /boot ext 2 defaults 12
> >none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
> >/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=ISO9660, dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
> >/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
> >/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,unmask=0 0 0
> >none /proc proc defaults 0 0
> >/dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
> >
> >Next, here is what results from the commnand,
> >ls -l /dev/cdrom
> >result:
> >lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root  3 Nov 6 01:24 /dev/cdrom ->hdc
> >
> >
> >In the konqueror file manager , I have
> >su to root and using this manager have gone to the /mnt
> >directory. I have this in the window:
> >cdrom....rwxrwxrwx....root... root
> >disk.....rwxrwxr-x...root...root
> >floppy....rwxrwxrwx..root...root
> >windows....rwxrwxrwx....root...root.
> >
> >When I attempt to click on the cdrom or the floppy, I get this
> >for answer box:
> >unable to enter file:/mnt/cdrom.
> >You do not have access right to this location.
> >
> >Also I have su to root in the terminal and done this:
> >cd /mnt/cdrom
> >I get this:
> >bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom:Input/output error
> >
> >I type in mount /mnt/cdrom
> >I get this:
> >mount: /mnt/cdrom already mounted or  /mnt/cdrom busy.
> >mount: according to mtab,  /mnt/cdrom is already mounte on /mnt/cdrom
> >
> >I type this: eject /mnt/cdrom
> >I get this:
> >eject: unable to find or open device for: '/mnt/cdrom'
> >I type this: eject /cdrom
> >I get this:
> >eject: unable to eject, last error: Input/output error
> >
> >My cdrom is working just fine, I installed mandrake with this cdrom
> >drive, it is recognized in linux harddrake and works fine in windows, it
> > is dual-boot box. Also when going to cdburning program, the cdrom drive
> > is definitely
> >recognized, and even shows contents of an inserted CD when browsing
> >in the program.  Also when using the make boot floppy GUI tool the floppy
> will
> >in fact work fine, but on my own it will not.
> >
> >BIG NOTE HERE:I am having also Identical problem with the floppy, it too
> >also has icon with lock on it.
> >Now this the problem that I am having.
> >As a result the rpmdrake cannot find the cdrom..
> >Thus I am unable to install rpm, and I am unable to look at any cd or
> >floppy, and it is getting more urgent to be able to do this..
> >MY assumption is that this problem has something to do with "supermount".

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