Paul wrote:
> Hi all,
> I decided to go in at the deep end, and set up 7.2 on my second machine
> from scratch. A bit drastic, but since I was in control (at least I like
> think that), I decided that it would be a good time to rearrange some
> partitions. So I backed up what needed backing up, restarted installing
> and fiddled around with DiskDrake.
> Btw, if any of the Mandrake developers read this, my compliments about the
> entire installer and what comes with it. It is an amazing piece of work.
> Formatted all the partitions, set things up through manual labor. Selected
> all the packages I wanted on the machine (which helps a LOT in
> installation time and space!) and 45 minutes later things were
> well. Including networking and X running perfectly.
> Still don't know if I am running Xfree 4, but I have seen KDE2 (which runs
> as Root's wm) which is nice. I then reinstalled the .*rc files I saved for
> user Paul, startex X, and everything was there exactly as I left them in
> mdk7.1.
> I am happy.
> Paul
> --
> A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
> -Milton Berle
> - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
>               -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

I have to agree with you Paul.  I made the move from 7.1 to 7.2
The graphical interface sure made deleting the old partitions and
setting up
a new configuration really easy.  It also gave me a chance to set up
ReiserFS so I could see how it performs.  

The biggest problems is simply learning the differences (Where is that
feature now?) between KDE2 vs KDE1.

Barry :-)

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