I have tryed to install in expert mode, selecting XFree86 4.0 with accelerated video card, my Voodoo 3 3000, but the moulde tdfx it is not charged, so the X runs well but without acceleration.
My Voodoo is a AGP type, but with Harddrake it appears as a PCI; when I try to charge the module (insmod tdfx) there is a error message about AGP.
Does any one capable of installing Mandrake 7.2 in a computer with Voodoo 3 3000 with acceleration succes?
I have seen a lot of mails in the Mandrake expert list about problems to reach the acceleration using betas of M7.2, but I am still feeling myself so newbie and I can't understand what they did to solve the problem!!!!!!!
On the other side, Mandrake 7.2 works fine, but I can't understand why of 4 installation in the same computer, using the sames options, 4 don't work and one is OK, specially in relations to the KDE???????
Yesterday I did a installation in a Pentium III of a friend of mine with a RIVA and the acceleration works fine!!!!
what a held with Voodoo 3 3000!!!!!!!
Please, help me!!!!!
Thanks a lot in advance
Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)
Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Departamento de Biología Vegetal
Universidad de Murcia
Campus de Espinardo
E-30100 Murcia, España (Spain)
Pone: int+34+968364976

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