On Wednesday 15 November 2000 12:49 am, you wrote:
> I am concerned user of the "non final" pre kde2 versions purchased at
> walmart and
> I feel cheated.
> Susan
    You shouldn't. Let me try to explain, at least from my view, why 
you shouldn't.  First I should mention that I first began runnin KDE2 
(1.94) with 7.2b3, then d/l'd various upgrades till I got to 2.00, now 
I'm testing KDE2.+ on 7.2+    Out of all of 'em, KDE2 1.99 as I 
understand was shipped with MacMillan 'complete', was the best, least 
bugs.   It's also my understanding that 'Power Pack' does have KDE 
2.00. I prefer to buy cheap CD's, and send a direct donation to 
MandrakeSoft than to support MacMillan.

   but i digress...

    Mandrake is Mandrake because it's the one distro that pushes the 
envelope.  It was the first to deliver KDE2 (and 1.99 is a good level
of KDE2). Other major distro's are just now, or not quite yet even 
making downloadable upgrades to KDE2 available, much less in new distro 
versions (ie, CD's).  I believe if you'll subscribe to the KDE-users 
list, you'll find that there's Red Hat and SuSe users crawlin all over 
each other about how to get the damn KDE2 'upgrades' they d/l'd to even 
work.  Lot'sa Sig 11's, everythings broken.  All the other major distro 
users are moanin that there favorite hasn't even made KDE2 available 
for d/l.  Most of them are tryin to compile it from KDE.org source and 
they're even worse off.  It's the same story on the newsgroups. It's 
like Chinese arithmetic in a kindergarten out there.  To their credit, 
Mandrake users aren't rubbin it in that the Mandrake boys busted their 
butts to get KDE2 to us, and got it right the first time.   ...and as i 
mentioned, they're already workin on KDE2.1  ;)

   Now that y'all have let me rant this far, let me treat you to a 
movie.  Check out 'terminal wars'  http://forum.mandrakesoft.com/
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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