I'm having trouble getting my networking working in 7.2....

It finds my card, I even had it pinging once.....
Powered it down to screw the card in then it didn't work again....

Go through the network setup and it seems to work... But doesn't ping....
Go through the configuration setup and it seems to work... But it doesn't ping....

Go through Linux Config...... And it seems to set up until it comes time to activate changes......

and I get...

The following command told me that somthing had to be done.

/etc/rc5.d/S10network probe

Service GPM is not running

Executing /etc/rc5.d/S85gpm start

When I "do it"

The command
/etc/rc5.d/S10network reload is taking longer than expected to take action...

And then I can re-run linuxconf anymore until I reboot.....

Is there any way to fix this?

It also show errors on bootup.....


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