To those of us who don't use KDE it is just another package that comes
with our distribution.  Get over it.  Mandrake can't ba all things to
all people all the time.  1.94 or whatever is included with 7.2 works
fine anyway.  Its fast, solid and nice to look at.  If having the full
2.0 version is so important to you go download it.  This is the linux
world after all.  EVERYTHING IS A BETA PRODUCT IN LINUX.  Its just that
some packages work better then others ;-)


Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear Charles, Paul and friends:
> Thanks so much for the info.
> I love Mandrake, but this decision NOT to include KDE 2.0 Final when a)
> it is available by FTP download and b) Mandrake knew in advance
> precisely when KDE 2.0 Final would be made availalbe has to be one of
> the dumbest marketing decisions I have ever heard of. It reminds me of
> Intel's famous chip fiasco some years back. Chairman Grove tried
> initially to explain away the defective, inaccurate chip by saying that
> most people don't care for accuracy anyway. According to Grove, this
> dumb mistake and even dumber attempt at fooling the public cost Intel
> eventually $500 million and it took them years to regain their
> credibility. What it means, practically speaking, for Mandrake is that
> for the next 4 or 5 months Mandrake will be getting irate, angry
> complaints from hundreds if not thousands of disappointed people who
> have spent $30 or $70 plus shipping on a beta product (in view of the
> fact that the central feature of 7.2 is KDE 2).
> This is a very strange development. I have been buying the official de
> luxe versions of Mandrake for the past year in order to show my support
> and in order to have the official version. This time, when rumors
> started circulating that Mandrake's official, commercial version would
> be a beta, I took insurance by also ordering CheapBytes' version because
> they use the FTP download. I intend to send Mandrake's new "experiment"
> in public relations forthwith back to them with a demand for a full
> refund. Thank God I did not order the $70 deluxe version.
> One thing that puzzles me, though, is that Macmillain does not yet have
> LM 7.2 listed on their site. May I ask if those of you who reported this
> sad news are speaking from first-hand experience or are you quoting a
> press release. In other words, do you actually own a copy of
> Macmillain's 7.2 Complete?
> If I have misunderstood anything here, if LM 7.2 really does have KDE
> 2.0 Final, then my apologies to Mandrake. If LM 7.2 is not yet
> available, then I do hope somebody from Mandrake clarifies this critical
> matter to us. Macmillain clearly says on mandrake's Products page: KDE
> 2.0 Final. That is the basis on which I ordered it online. If this is
> not the case, please explain yourself. If it is NOT 2.0 Final but Almost
> Final, then Mandrake should state "Almost Final." The difference between
> an "Almost KDE 2.0 Final" and "KDE 2.0 Final" may see like nothing more
> than a downloadable patch, but, I submit that it is unprofessional and
> unethical to do so without letting the customer know in advance.
> In sum, I very much hope that I am wrong. Will someone from Mandrake/
> Macmillain please step forth and tell us exactly what's going on.
> Thank you.
> Benjamin
> --
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> RUS:
> SHK:

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