Yes, yes Adrian Smith!! Here is story of mandrake 7.2.
Well, they wanted to get it in the stores by Christmas, so it appears
that the boxed 7.2 complete that appeared in wal-mart so quickly
has these features:
it is not kde 2, it is prerelease, not quite kde2.(you have to use
mandrake update to get kde2).
Also, it is  a desktop version("complete" is misleading). It does not
have the servers and much networking stuff on the install.
 It does however install
the docs and on the extra CDs it will install staroffice 5.2 and adobe
acrobat reader, and some other desktop kinds of stuff. Also on
CD are 4 linux books docs.
I installed it, but it did NOT have webmin tool, and it did not install
much of advanced networking stuff. I also had to do mandrakeupdate
right off, to get up to kde2. I had many little quirks with this distro, so
I installed my downloaded  7.2 ISOs right over this version, the downloaded
7.2 ISOs do Have my greatly needed Webmin tool,  kde 2 final
and more server stuff. I think my downloaded ISOs are much better, even
though I will have to get staroffice 5.2  as separate package.
Also only couple of mandrake updates necessary for the latest and
I hope this information helps you. If I were you,
 I would download the ISOs or buy ISOs
from web if at all possible, NOT from Wal-mart.
This way you can be assured of getting the latest version.

----- Original Message -----
From: Adrian Smith
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] bone to pick with Macmillan

you are not alone Susan ---

This whole thing has me wondering also.  I bought 7.0 & 7.1 at Office Depot or
Office something (they all look alike) for $20 a pop and had no problems at all
with any of the CDs, installs or anything.  now I'm seeing people on this list
saying that the 7.2 they are getting at the store doesn't have all the features
and all sort of other strange stuff......  what up with this?  I suppose
Macmillan, like any other company, is going to box anything it thinks it can
sell, but if this release has problems why is Mandrake letting them release it
(i'm assuming they have some say in the matter) as this is just going to bouce
back and slap Mandrake in the end.  I'm very very very happy with 7.1 and i
hope to be one more very (very cubed) happy with 7.2.  i was gonna buy the
boxed version (since the manuals are not bad - and the install instuctions are
so detailed even i installed 7.0 right the first time) but now me thinks i
should just go with the disk from linuxcentral or something......

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

>>> "S. Stubbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7:26:48 AM 11/15/00 >>>
Hey, I am a bit peeved. When mandrake 7.2 came out, I went and
downloaded the ISOs. I got DSL and CDburner so it was easy.
Well, being a newbie, I wanted to get a manual or something, and
heard that if you buy a distro, it comes with extra CDs of apps and
stuff, and of course a manual. So I wanted support and all these things.
Well I went to Wal-mart and bought Mandrake 7.2 Complete Retail
box version since it had 4 CDs and manual.
I take home and install. Then I started having a few quirks and problems,
of course I did mandrake update to update the prerelease version of
kde to final 2.0 version, and other stufff.
Well, still had a few quirks. I missed my Webmin tool from 7.1 and
I missed a few networking tools from 7.1 but alas they were no where
to be found on the walmart distro. I was quite perturbed and disheartened.
Finally late last night I went and viewed my downloaded ISOs of
7.2, and FOUND WEBMIN and MORE STUFF on the downloaded version!!
So, since my walmart distro was not quite right, I took a chance and
installed afresh the downloaded 7.2. NO MORE prerelease kde!!!
I had hardly any updates necessary!! I got more networking stuff, everything
seems to be running better!! The downloaded version is MUCH better.
I am definitely PEEVED that I spent $$ for the walmart version and would
like to know if there is a way to contact macmillan since I think they are
misleading people about the retail box version!!
I am just an inquiring "newbie" mind, saying my rant.

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